Drive mode not engaging


New member
Oct 19, 2024

Ive got a 550 with ~7k miles.

I typically drive in Sport+ but have been noticing that the suspension is no longer as stiff as it used to be, in fact it drives almost identical to Comfort. The steering feels completely dead now which is why I hate comfort.

Has anyone else had this issue?

Ive also noticed that the downshifting while breaking is super weird. Recently the truck has started shifting to 1st as Im stopping, jerking the car as it’s coming to a stop.

Overall Ive loved this truck but these two issues are pretty annoying.
I have the same gripe about the downshift to 1st at an awkward time when coming to a stop. I've been reading about the direct shift transmission and seems it might be a symptom of how it works... I am the type that likes to feather the brake when coming to a stop and aim to make it stop as smooth as possible with no jerk. In doing that, the transmission seems to almost get confused or at least pick a really poor time to try and downshift causing what feels like a really clunky downshift. Gives me pause because it doesn't feel like something that is great for the transmission gears.
The downshifting as you slow down to a stop is indeed strange on this truck. I'm always noticing that I could have coasted to a red light, or my driveway, or whatever if only the darn truck didn't downshift so aggressively. It's obviously not good for mileage. It even happens in Eco mode. Sometimes I make a game out of turning the corner onto my street in my neighborhood and giving it a bit of gas and then shifting to neutral to see if I can coast the ~quarter mile to my driveway and then up my driveway. Neutral makes a huge difference and I can usually make it by applying a normal amount of throttle when I come out of the turn. If not in neutral, I have to apply more throttle a few times while coasting to my driveway.