Overtrail Roof Rack - Noise Reductions?


May 13, 2024
Westlake Village, CA

Checking to see if anyone has cracked the nut on the roof rack and noise. Hearing (not pun intended) that the rack at higher speeds is noisy - and looking for ways to mitigate since removing one from a new car (unless the dealer plays ball) might be tough to do. If I'm stuck with it - did not know if anyone had noise reduction ideas.
I never really noticed a lot o noise when I had mine on. I took it off around 500 miles.. I live along to coast in southern Cal and get a lot of wind resistance so wind noise is pretty common with or without the rack
I followed one of the suggestions in another thread around pulling off the black plastic strip under the front of the rack and that did help a lot. It still makes noise, but not as loud or consistent.
I agree taking off that piece really helps like a lot and that piece came off so easily it makes me wonder if the dealer should of taken it off before sale
Mine just peeled off so easily and no change in appearance. I’m guessing it was to protect the roof surface while installing the rack.