Profile question


New member
Jan 11, 2025
This might be a dumb question, but coming from an Audi to my first time Lexus I don't want to assume the answer and be that person from the first three letters of assume. Iv'e been watching the Lexus videos and they talk about having to set a primary profile before operating the vehicle. We didn't have to do so in the Audi (we each set settings for ourselves using the fob and the car remember which fob was in use ) So I have a few questions.

1. With two people who will be driving, do we each have to set up a profile and what's the primary profile do different from the second profile.
2. With both of us in the car carrying a fob will that confuse the GX?
3. Can you operate the GX without setting up a profile first or at all?

Haven't picked up our 2025 GX Premium + yet, it's due at the end of Feb so Iv'e been reading the forum and looking at videos. Pretty excited even with the complaints that are posted, but most seem to be happy anyway.
With two people driving you don't need to setup a second profile, but certain settings - radio favorites, certain car settings (although I can't tell you which ones), and think a few other things. A nice thing about profiles is they are linked to the Lexus app on your phone and will be shared between any Lexus vehicle on which you setup that profile. So, for example, if I were to buy another GX in a couple years, my Profile would be used on the new GX and my radio favorites and other settings were automatically be in the new car. In order to create a separate profile for your wife she will need to download the Lexus app on her phone and setup a different account than the one you use on the Lexus app on your phone.

The GX will not get confused with both of you bringing your key fob into the car. The fob that opens the driver door is the profile that will be loaded. You can also enable "Face ID" in the Lexus infotainment screen and link your face to your profile and your wife's face to her profile. That way it doesn't matter which fob is where in the GX.

I think you do need to setup a profile but that's part of the delivery of the vehicle that your dealer will guide your through.
JPE, thank you for the detailed response. All GX owners would do well to be a member, so much excellent knowledge to share.
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