Under-hood checks and general observations...


Aug 24, 2024
New York
Under the "Do it Yourself" maintenance section of the owner's manual there are several good recommendations so I thought it would be a good idea to become more familiar with this. First, you'll notice all key components are under some kind of shroud or plastic cover that require removal by depressing clips and pulling the covers forward. Hoping that frigid temps don't make these clips brittle and cause breakage in the future. However, the engine covers appear to be good quality. Next, all fluid levels for radiator, intercooler, brake fluid, and engine oil / dipstick were checked and within spec. Again, keep in mind that having all these covers can potentially hide a small leak, so I think it's a good idea to periodically remove them for an inspection. Removed the LHS cover the battery and noticed it has a charging indicator. However, due to its proximity to the firewall and the hood strut, be advised it is virtually impossible to check the charging state indicator unless you use a mirror and / or take a photo. Just a word of advice if you haven't already noticed this. Hope this helps.

battery ind.jpg