Excessive wind noise


New member
Dec 22, 2024
Mooresville, North Carolina
I purchased my 550 the day before yesterday. On the drive home, as others have noted, the wind noise at highway speeds is quite loud. I am a very shocked. I have had to verify that the sunroof is completely closed. I expect Lexus to be a very quiet ride. It is what they are known for. My 2022 ES is very quiet. I implore Lexus to come up with a solution.
I've noticed some wind noise at my driver's window - it is louder recently which must be related to the colder weather which would indicate the door seal or window seal shrinking with colder temperatures. Also seems like it could be the side mirror but the loudness seems to come and go.
The roof rack makes the most noise, followed by the mirrors, but it also seems to depend on wind speed and direction. Sometimes in just the right cross wind angle it seems really loud, while other times the angle of the wind almost completely cancels out any wind noise on the vehicle. Also, if you have the OT roof rack, remove the rubber strip from the bottom of the leading edge and that will help quite a bit as well, or just take the roof rack off until you want to use it.
At the risk of sounding like a paid shill for Lexus, my Overtrail (6K+ miles) has no noticeable hood flutter, vibration, or wind noise (I had my dealer delete the roof rack at the port largely based on folks’ comments about wind noise on this forum). My immediate prior car was a Macan and although it was a very good SUV, I have no second thoughts on trading it for the Overtrail. My sole, and minor complaint to date, the front brake squeal on backing down the driveway in the morning was cured by the new rotors and pads installed per the TSB.