Locking hitch pin with matching coupler lock?


Aug 14, 2024
As I went to mount my weight distribution hitch yesterday, I found my old locking pin was too short for the width of the GX receiver. Can anyone confirm a set that works well for the GX + trailer (same key)? I would prefer a right angle design for easier access.

Suggests a 4" length is needed.. Review: 2024 Lexus GX 550 towing reveals virtues and hassles, but I may have to try a 3.5".

Out of necessity, I grabbed a 4" drop at my local wallymart and it came in a "fused ball" drop w/ a lock. The lock that came with it worked fine, and fit without issue removing the trim, which is also annoying. These trucks need a 3.5' long usable pin, which I found out just the same. My Master stainless set no longer works so I am on the hunt for a new set as well. I thought Land Rover hitches were annoying with the proprietary hitch style, these are not far off with the bumper setup.

Same camp hear with mounting our Yakima bike rack which had a threaded pin and lock. I used a longer pin I found kicking around but had to ditch the lock and rack stabilizing. I wrapped the rack with 2 wraps of the 1" wide silicone stretch tape in two places to minimize movement.
Viola! This set just fits if you take the rubber washers off. I did need to take off the cowl & lock to attach the chains. And geez, the cable reaches, but am considering a 6-12" extension.

This is my Hitch and Locking Hitch Pin from Proven Industries that's currently on my F150 but will go on my GX. They have some nice security features and they will key all your pins and locks the same if that's your desire.

I pull an ATV trailer with 2 Utility ATV's

hitch Capture.JPG

hitch hl1 Capture.JPG
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