Permanently Disable Front Cross Traffic Alert


New member
Aug 4, 2024
Had anyone had luck permanently disabling the front cross traffic alert (FCTA) yet? I know it can not be done through normal settings, and could only be done through plugging into the factory settings, typically at the dealer.

The first dealer I went to wasn't willing to try, and the second gave it a swing but could not find the option anywhere in the plug in settings.

Curious if anyone has had success disabling what might be the only thing I don't like about our gx550? If so, any info about what path they took, or a contact person at the dealer would be tremendous. Thanks!
I'm about to get my GX wrapped tomorrow and slightly worried the location of the front and back radar sensors for cross traffic detection since they are located under painted areas getting covered. I hope it doesn't interfere or cause it to constantly go off.

I'm about to get my GX wrapped tomorrow and slightly worried the location of the front and back radar sensors for cross traffic detection since they are located under painted areas getting covered. I hope it doesn't interfere or cause it to constantly go off.

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I can’t imagine PPF will have any effect. 90% of these vehicles on the road have it.
This is my number one gripe about the GX so far. It’s both annoying and distracting. I can see the cross traffic, I don’t need to be warned about it. Hopefully there’s a fix to allow it to be permanently turned off soon.
I was just talking to my wife about this - the front cross traffic alert comes on every damn time you restart the truck. This will be my #1 request when I take it in for the 5,000 mile service checkup.
I was just talking to my wife about this - the front cross traffic alert comes on every damn time you restart the truck. This will be my #1 request when I take it in for the 5,000 mile service checkup.
I think if these traffic alerts and other warning devices like the seat belt warning chime can be turned off and on with the owners permission or wants, they should be able to have it the way they want it. We are paying enough in my opinion to get what we want in the vehicle that is controllable. No more "nanny state vehicle".