Port installed add ons you hate most

Jesse H

Sep 4, 2024
As I'm rehoming my OT crossbars I got to thinking of other port installed options that annoy me. Not because I don't like the options, but due to Toyota's sales snd distribution model you get what you get. Yeah the stereo is underwhelming and the crossbars and cool box will never get used by me. PPF is nice if it's installed correctly (mine isn't and waiting on a call back when new pieces come in).

The one that annoys me the most is the black emblem. One hundred and ninety nine dollars for a single piece of plastic. At least when Toyota robbed me in a similar manner there were 4 emblems that get "upgraded" from chrome to black. On the Lexus it's a single "GX550."

Kudos to the guy that schemed that one.
roof rack....pay 1400 to get wind noise and lower gas mileage and then to have it take up space in the garage since noone else wants it

Runner up is the cargo mat for the Premium/Luxury...it's an 8" strip that gets in the way more than it does anything

To be fair on the emblem...there are 2 emblem's and 10 different pieces of plastic. LOL

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I wasn't forced to take it, but of course it was "act now or wait for months."

I didn't want the Heads-Up-Display, would vastly prefer a flat dash to set my paperwork on right in front of the steering wheel. I didn't want the cool box, although I do use it off road to keep a few beers cold. It's more of a gimmick than anything. The rock rails on my Overtrail are a joke - I just spent $1500 to buy aftermarket rock rails/sliders that you can actually step on.

All this crap is brought to you by the profit center people. It's like the junk they stack in the check out lines of every store everywhere. Except you have no choice but to buy this crap.
They loaded up my GX550 with over $3k worth of items I never asked for or wanted, including roof rail cross bars, body side moldings, door edge guards, a kit of USB charging cables for your phones (why do I need this if CarPlay and charging is wireless?), tonneau cover, rear all weather 12" cargo mat (useless, unless you want to carry a pair of boots), a trailer ball mount (no ball), and other miscellaneous stuff. I'm sure everyone else has a similar situation. Luckily, they didn't push the black emblem overlays on me since there is no contrast over a black vehicle.
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I don't mind the crossbars. Yeah, they produce a little bit of noise at 70+ MPH, but not enough to prevent my wife and I from holding a conversation at normal talking levels. And I expect I'll get some use out of them holding dog crates for trips. Also, while the $199 for the black emblems are a lot for what they are, I like the look of them on Atomic Silver. The one PIO that is never going to get any use is the cargo net. Oh, and the Lexus charging cables, while nice cables, are stupid expensive for what they are. Still, since the option was on my car I got 'em. Like Bluegill said, you don't have an option unless you're assigned a vehicle before it gets to the port in time to hit the small window where your dealer can (and is willing) to delete the PIO. My dealer was willing to delete a PIO, but they offered me an OT+ that was already in transit from the port and someone had backed out of.
Definitely the Roof Rack! I thought it looked hideous when I got my truck and it was the first thing to come off but I still had to pay the $1,580. If you have new after market rock rails can you post a picture. Thanks in advance.
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The rock rails on my Overtrail are a joke - I just spent $1500 to buy aftermarket rock rails/sliders that you can actually step on.
Which did you buy? I am interested I have the same problem. I would be interested in the nicer moving rail setup like the nice Chevy trucks
I haven’t purchased yet but will be soon. The one I dint want is the Heads Up display and traffic jam assist. What I don’t get about these is that these are actual options when building rather than accessories which most of the PIO appear to be. Also, I noticed that every GX 550 that I have seen (please correct if you have a diff experience) all come with HUD and traffic jam assist. I don’t even understand why these are even options than. If they are on every one and you have no choice, than just make them standard equipment.
Mine has a lot of this other stuff too. Traffic jam assist....I have it but I don't even know what it is but I paid $840 for it...makes me vaguely hungry to say the words. Mine also had the ball mount $80, rock rails $990, black emblem overlays $199 (I like these and I would have bought them aftermarket....$199 is stupid), cross bars $560 (I sold them along with the stock roof rails), cargo net $75 (sold), key gloves $25 (removed), all-weather cargo mat $150 (much appreciated). The most important option mine had which I thought I'd never find is "Without Moonroof" $-1100. This is the major reason I jumped on this truck.

The dealer almost tanked the deal with their version of force-fed extras:

Complete Clear Shield Package$6899 (this bullshit was just PPF on the front and door edges)

Tint/Nitro $1599 (just tint on the front 2 windows)

Automate $3599 (scotch guard type protection on the seats...LOL)

$12,097 in dealer extras. I walked away from the deal and they got me back in by knocking about $8,000 off for all this crap.
Traffic Jam assist for me…useless in my world…key gloves next…with digital key don’t even use the fob..cargo net, another waste. Got lucky for the most part…cheap add ons for the price of an OT+ not going to sweat it. Wanted the ML sound, HUD and digital key…all good.
It’s infuriating that people buying a $75-85K luxury vehicle have little say in how it’s spec-ed out. It’s such a money grab and I’ve lost some respect for Toyota/Lexus. I’ve owned two 4Runners and a Tacoma and this will be my first Lexus. Yes, Toyota and their dealerships are taking advantage of the unprecedented demand for one of the best redesigns to come out in several decades but they’ve taken it to the extreme. I’m still waiting for my incognito OT+ and have already accepted the fact that I’ll likely have to pay for some options that I don’t want like HUD and traffic jam assist but I’m going to plead hard to delete a roof rack and rock rails if my vehicle is optioned for them at the port. What I do want is the Land Cruiser roof rack and perhaps that can be a compromise. Just not sure if the port will have that LC roof rack. Wondering if any OT owner had that installed at the port.